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CMTPI-2007 Abstracts
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Passport and Visa
Non-residents of the Russian Federation both CMTPI-2007 Active Participants and Accompanying Persons attending the Symposium are required to have both valid passport (passport’s action must be no less than 6 months after Date of departure) and the visa.
Organizers will prepare the official invitation and send it to the participant. Such invitation will allow the participant to get the visa at the local Russian Embassy (Consulate).
Registration via Internet is closed. On-site registration will be possible on September 1-5.
CMTPI-2005 Shanghai, China, October 29 – November 1, 2005 CMTPI-2003 Thessaloniki, Greece, September 17-19, 2003 CMTPI-2001 Bordeaux, France, July 11-13, 2001