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Contact Information
Fourth International Symposium on Computational Methods in Toxicology and Pharmacology Integrating Internet Resources
Moscow, Russia, September 1-5, 2007

Dear Colleagues,
International Scientific Advisory Board and Organizing Committees cordially invite you to take part in the 4th International Symposium on Computational Methods in Toxicology and Pharmacology Integrating Internet Resources (CMTPI-2007). The meeting will be held in Moscow , Russia from September 1th to 5th 2007.

Following the traditions of CMPTI-2001 (Bordeaux , France), CMTPI-2003 (Thessaloniki , Greece) and CMTPI-2005 (Shanghai , China), CMTPI-2007 will provide an International forum for presentation and discussion, by both highly skilled professionals and young scientists, of recent progress and future trends in all aspects of Computational Methods in Toxicology and Pharmacology including the Internet resources. The Symposium will feature plenary lectures, oral talks and posters broadly covering the following fields:
  • (Q)SAR, QSPR and Molecular Modelling in Drug Discovery
  • (Q)SAR and QSPR in Environmental Chemistry
  • “OMIC”-sciences and bioinformatics applications in pharmacology and toxicology
  • Commercial and non-commercial computational tools and databases in the Internet for computational pharmacology and toxicology.  
Besides the scientific aspects of the program, you will have the opportunity to visit Moscow and St. Petersburg , which are currently the major scientific, business, cultural and historical centers of Russia.

It is our intention to make this Symposium a memorable event for the attendees, both scientifically and socially.

Feel free to forward this invitation to any of colleagues who might be interested to take part in the Symposium.

We are looking forward to welcome you at the Symposium.

Nikolay Zefirov,
Full Member of Russian
Academy of Sciences
Alexander Archakov,
Full Member of Russian
Academy of Medical Sciences
Vladimir Poroikov,


CMTPI-2005 Shanghai, China, October 29 – November 1, 2005
CMTPI-2003 Thessaloniki, Greece, September 17-19, 2003
CMTPI-2001 Bordeaux, France, July 11-13, 2001   
Organizing committee coordinates:   
Tel./Fax: +7 495 995 8017    
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