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Photo-report of CMTPI-2007

You can download
CMTPI-2007 Abstracts
as PDF-file (1019 Kb):
Abstract Book
Abstract Book.pdf

Contact Information
Instructions for Abstract Submission

Typing should be word-processed/typed in English using one and a half line spacing and Times New Roman 12-point font on a single sheet of A4 white paper.
    1. Paper - A4, margins: left - 3 cm, up and down - 2.5 cm, right - 2 cm.
    2. Title (clear and concise) - should be typed in capital letters (ALL CAPS).
    3. Author's names - full first name, middle initial, last name (in that order).
Indicate author affiliations by superscripts (if authors are from more than a single affiliation) and underline the name of the presenting author.
    4. Authors' affiliations and addresses. Please provide also e-mail address of the presenting author.
    5. Leave the blank lines between the title and Author’s names and affiliations and the abstract text.
    6. The Abstract text should describe the work to be presented with minimum introduction. A promise of results and/or discussion is not appropriate. Acknowledgements and references should be kept to a minimum. It should be within 2000 letters in length without blanks, no indentations.
    7. Save the file - as "first name_last name.rtf" for submission in Rich Text Format (for example: john_smith.rtf).
Abstracts should be submitted electronically by e-mail (as attached RTF files) to the Conference Secretariat: and

 Faxed abstracts will not be accepted under any circumstances

Registration via Internet is closed. On-site registration will be possible on September 1-5.

CMTPI-2005 Shanghai, China, October 29 – November 1, 2005
CMTPI-2003 Thessaloniki, Greece, September 17-19, 2003
CMTPI-2001 Bordeaux, France, July 11-13, 2001   
Organizing committee coordinates:   
Tel./Fax: +7 495 995 8017    
Reprinting of all materials without referring to authors and site is prohibited.