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Computer Applications in Scientific Researches
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Партнеры ИВТН.ru
Партнеры ИВТН.ru
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Conference partners
The major activity of Zenon N.S.P. Company is related to the provision of Internet Network services. In accordance with the licenses No 22222, 22221 and 17458 issued by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of Russia, Zenon N.S.P. Company runs and develops the commercial network Zenon/Internet.

NVK "VIST" Company
NVK "VIST" is an scientific-implementing structure with fine-tuned technology and unique eight year experience in providing the computer hardware and software solutions for science and manufacturing sector. The main concept is adaptation of different technologies for the user, not the user for technologies; orientation to special equipment with well-defined sphere of exploitation; providing for interaction of computer hardware and software for the maximal efficiency and perspectivity of solution, instead of alienating different computer technology manufacturers to each other.   
Organizing committee coordinates:   
Tel./Fax: +7 495 995 8017    
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