Русский final meeting photo-report Home

Final Meeting of the IVTN-2008

November, 27, 2008
The Blue Hall of the Russian Academy of Science
Vladimir A. Sukhomlin
System of preparation of bachelors and masters of information technology
Vladimir A. Sukhomlin, Doctor of Engineering, Professor
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, VMK Faculty
Alexey B. Khrustalev
New in Fourier analysis and data processing
Alexey B. Khrustalev, Worker of Laboratory of Nonlinear Seismology
O.Yu.Shmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of Russian Academy of Sciences
Boris V. Boev
Mathematical and computer modelling as applied to analysis and forecast of epidemics
Boris V. Boev, Doctor of Engineering, Head of Laboratory of Epidemiological Cybernetics
N.F.Gamaley Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Anatoly I. Voropaev
Formation of historical and educational knowledge base by the example of atomic science and technics. Creation of new generation of educational materials
Anatoly I. Voropaev, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics
Russian Association of Nuclear Science and Education (RANSE)
Lev A. Gribov
Bologna convention and Russian reality
Lev A. Gribov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences
V.I.Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences

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