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Computer applications in scientific researches ['IVTN-2006] The Proceedings of the IVTN-2006 (PDF 890 KB)
Computer applications in fundamental and applied Physics and Mathematics
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Please, read First Information Letter of Conference Program Committee:
  Physmath_InfoLetter.pdf (33 KB)

Computer applications in fundamental and applied Chemistry, Biology, Pharmaceutics and Medicine
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Please, read First Information Letter of Conference Program Committee:
  Biomedchem_InfoLetter.pdf (34 KB)

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Within the framework of 5th Anniversary Session on April, 24-26, 2006, in Yaroslavl, Joint Session of 3d International Symposium "Computer Assistance to Chemical Research" [CACR-2006] and Electronic Conference "Computer applications in fundamental and applied Chemistry, Biology, Pharmaceutics and Medicine" [IVTN-2006] has taken place

More details about Joint Session...

Previous sessions results:

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